Holiday Hosting: Entertaining in Style in a Small Space


Here are some key elements for a successful festive evening:

1- The Right Guests

Si l’espace vous manque, oubliez les grandes réunions familiales ; contentez-vous d’organiser de petites soirées intimes et relaxes avec un couple d’amis, vos parents ou votre duo de cousines préféré. Parfois, less is more, comme on dit, et vos invités apprécieront ce temps de qualité en votre compagnie.

2- Maximize Your Space


For the duration of the evening, rearrange your furniture: move the sofa along the wall or put away unnecessary furniture in another room. You’ll gain space for an extra table or simply to move around more easily among your guests.

3- Provide Enough Seating

Regardless of the size of your home, the secret to a successful reception lies first and foremost in the quality and comfort of the seating. Nothing is worse than spending an entire evening on a hard, wobbly stool! If you want your guests to have fun, seat them comfortably! Consider accommodating as many people as possible, regardless of their age, height, weight, or abilities. Provide wide, sturdy chairs as well as a multitude of additional chairs or cushions. Whether you’re hosting the reception at the table or in the living room, provide your guests with various options such as sofas, armchairs, folding chairs, armless chairs, floor cushions, etc. Have something for everyone!

4- A Friendly Buffet

Tout le monde aime le buffet ! Alors, ne vous compliquez pas la vie ! Libérez une table, faites quelques plats à l’avance afin d’éviter de courir partout et invitez vos convives à préparer un plat de leur choix. De plus, proposez-leur aussi d’apporter des contenants pour ramener des restants (à moins que vous ne vouliez luncher sur les surplus pour toute la semaine). Si vous manquez d’espace, transformez toutes les surfaces de votre cuisine en présentoirs et disposez tous les plats sur les comptoirs et l’îlot dans de jolis plateaux assortis. Disposez quelques décorations entre les plats (chandelles, cadeaux décoratifs, pommes de pin, etc.) pour un résultat des plus festifs.

A few festive recipe ideas you can prepare hours in advance or very quickly:


  • Charcuterie board
  • Tourtières and meat pies
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Cheese and crudités platter
  • Grilled vegetable platter
  • Gourmet salads
  • Meatballs
  • Roasted turkey
  • Appetizers
  • Deviled eggs

5- Holiday Cocktails

In a beautiful carafe, offer a holiday-inspired cocktail to surprise your guests. We suggest doubling or tripling the quantities and putting it in a beverage dispenser or in a very large pitcher filled with ice.

6- A Beautifully Decorated Table

To impress your guests, set the table before they arrive to create a beautiful and warm environment (and save time). You can easily embellish your table with your fine china, cutlery, napkins, tablecloth, and wine glasses. To make it more festive, you can place a few candles, a pine branch, cinnamon sticks tied to napkins, dried orange slices, handmade place cards, pine cones, etc. Reuse what you have and create a magical setting for less.

7- A Festive Atmosphere


La touche finale ? Une trame sonore de chansons de Noël constituée de classiques indémodables, des décorations fait maison, un grand bol de eggnog, de vin chaud à la cannelle ou de punch aux fruits festif, des bougies d’ambiance et une belle bûche pour dessert. Succès garanti !

Tips for enjoying your festivities and your guests:

  • Use a bucket for cold drinks
  • Put a pitcher of water on the counter
  • Capture the moment by taking a few photos in the heat of the action
  • Have a trash can available
  • Plan some small games for the kids
  • Light a fire in the fireplace, if you have one.






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